
We deliver the full NI Primary Curriculum, and more in-depth information can be found here about all the various approaches we use to make learning at Culcrow a positive, inviting and inclusive experience.

Our very favourable Department of Education Inspection Report, 2012 outlines the good practice observed at Culcrow Primary School.

“In English and Mathematics, most of the children attain very good standards that are in line with their ability. By the end of Key Stage (KS) 2, the children read with very high levels of fluency and expression and have a very good understanding of number and measure.”

Reading Eggs

The introduction of Reading Eggs, an exciting online learning environment, enables our foundation stage children have a sound knowledge of phonics to ensure 100% success rate in early reading skills. This program continues in P3/4 with in depth phonics teaching and a comprehensive program which includes spelling, reading, grammar and punctuation, talking and listening and comprehension. Our aim is for every pupil to be an independent, fluent reader by the end of their P3 year.

If any child displays reading difficulties, support is provided from primary 1 onwards. Two classroom assistants have been trained as “Reading Partners” through NEELB providing short term 1:1 support for some pupils. Literacy support (also on a 1:1 basis) is provided from a qualified LTSS teacher, from P3 onwards for pupils with specific reading difficulties, thus ensuring all pupils leave our primary school reading confidently.

Accelerated Reader

Renaissance Learning “Accelerated Reader” scheme is enjoyed by independent readers in upper KS1 and KS2, enabling pupils to read at their individual level and rate, choosing books of personal interest. A range of fiction and non-fiction books is available and this year we hope to introduce the Kindle to primary 7 pupils who have progressed through all the levels on the Accelerated Reader Scheme, to ensure high levels of attainment continue throughout their primary school years.

Writing Framework

We have constructed an extensive writing framework from P1 to P7 to ensure every pupil is given the opportunity to learn how to write effectively. Good use of grammar and punctuation is taught from P2 to P7 and pupil writing is celebrated through display, stickers and reward certificates. Pupils write for a purpose and communicate with each other, specific people outside school and with pupils in other schools.

Other newly introduced tools for learning include;

Classroom Assistants

Classroom assistants in every classroom and a favourable teacher:pupil ratio compared to many other schools ensures children are taught and supported in small groups.


Pupils are continuously assessed by teachers using their classwork, check up tests and more formal standardised tests. It is our intention that pupil’s difficulties are identified quickly and appropriate reinforcement and support is provided.

Physical Education

A weekly swimming programme for P4/5 pupils (Sept. - Feb.) and P6/7 pupils (Feb. - June) with swimming instructors is provided for all pupils with many achieving awards by the end of KS2.

Mrs Collins has completed Primary Fundamental Movement training focusing on the teaching of key PE skills.

Additional Activities

Regular visitors to assembly and individual classes add a new dimension to our curriculum as pupils interact with subject specialists and key people in our community including police, paramedics, ministers and charity representatives.

Dinner Menu School Clubs Pupil Zone Holidays

Where every child is valued for their contribution to our school