Extra Curricular Opportunities
The ETI team commented on our super extra-curricular provision;
“The school has an inclusive and welcoming ethos, with all members of the school community playing an active and valued role in the life and work of the school. This is evident in the very good behaviour of the children and the respectful, supportive relationships that exist at all levels. The school makes very good use of educational visits, external speakers and a broad range of local community amenities to enhance the children’s learning experiences.” (2012)
We offer many extra-curricular opportunities.
Our wide range of after school clubs include netball, science club, football, karate, cookery, hockey, choir, drama, dance, Ipad club, cycling proficiency, nature club, construction, heart start training, art and fiddle lessons.
Weekly Spanish tuition is provided free for all P1-P5 pupils.
Private piano lessons with Mrs Buick (held in school with a limited number of places) with the opportunity to sit examinations.
Regular school trips - we aim for one per half term for every class - providing lots of opportunities for learning, exploring and lots of fun! A residential trip for P5-P7 pupils is always very popular and enjoyable!
We expect excellent standards of behaviour both within our school, in the playground and when on school trips. Visitors to our school often comment on the pupils’ good manners, enthusiasm and kindness.
“The inspectors met with a group of year 6 and year 7 children. The children talked enthusiastically about their experiences at school; they particularly spoke of the kind, helpful staff and the strong emphasis placed by the teachers on showing kindness to one another. They reported that they feel happy and safe in school and they know what to do if they have any worries about their safety and well-being.” (ETI Inspection Report 2012)