Mrs Betty Graham

Mrs Betty Graham


On 17th January 2014 Mrs Betty Graham, our school care taker, made the difficult decision to finish up her duties. Betty has been attending her doctor, and was strongly advised by him to step down from this position and she is now resting and focusing on getting back to her original state of good health.

We have invited Betty to call in and see us all from time to time, as suits, and would like to make a presentation to her from the pupils, staff, parents and governors of Culcrow.

Further Information

Further details relating to this presentation will be provided following a Board of Governors meeting, but we would like to collect towards purchasing a retirement gift for Betty. If you would like to make a donation, please send it into the school in an envelope labelled “Betty’s retirement donation”.

Betty has retired in the 34th year of work here at Culcrow. We are most grateful for the dedication and commitment Betty has always had in her post as caretaker, and wish her a healthy and happy retirement.

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